We can give you a second opinion whether you are already instructing a lawyer or acting as a litigant in person and conducting your own proceedings.
Working with us you will understand the law, your options and have the confidence to take control.
When making life changing decisions it is perfectly normal to want a second opinion.
Whatever your circumstances and wherever you are in the process we will be able to help navigate you to a resolution.
Our goal will be to give you peace of mind. If we cannot add value and improve on the work or strategy of your existing legal team, we will say so. Our advice is completely confidential and without obligation. It will be up to you whether you tell your lawyers that you have had a second opinion. We will just need a copy of the relevant papers to undertake a review.
If you are not satisfied with the work or strategy you are receiving from your existing lawyers, we can take over the conduct of your case. If there are on-going legal proceedings, we will simply need to file a notice of acting to let the court know we are representing you instead of your previous lawyer. We will also need to write to your previous lawyer to ask for a copy of your file.
Sometimes what you think is easy or manageable turns out to be far more complex than you expected. You may have also been reluctant to take legal advice to avoid legal fees. Although this is understandable and well intentioned, there can be many traps for the unwary and any short-term savings may be lost by having to pay more in the long run.
We can also support you in the background if you want to continue as a litigant in person or are using mediation or other alternative dispute resolution options. Alternatively, you may prefer for us to take over full conduct of your case.
Dispute Resolution
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) refers to the different ways people can resolve disputes without going to court. A combination of ADR processes can be used during a dispute, or they can be used alongside litigation. We will guide you through the different pathways to reach a resolution, as well as being expert litigators should court proceedings be necessary.
Supporting you every step of the way
We know how hard it can be to navigate moments that are emotionally challenging and that is why we don’t just focus on the legal work. We make the wellbeing of you and your children a priority throughout and have partnered with other people we know and trust and who are as good in their fields as we are in ours.
Visit our support hub for information about coaching, wellbeing and support services.
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